Episode 9: Bring the Kaoss!

kaossIn this episode, Tony, Matt, and Bob discuss and stereotype various national and regional styles of freestyle, discuss their love of the Seismic freestyle wheels (again — Tony give an update of how they last), etc.

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Episode 8: Flow

In this episode we discuss the attainment of “flow” in your skating and beyond. We are also treated to some Gokey guitar playing…

Freestyle Podcast Supplement #8: (from Tony)

If you’ve listened to it (or are listening to it now) and wondered what I was on about, here’s the material I referenced.

First, the video Matt and I discussed:

A bit on Wu-Wei that I quoted:

And finally, Zen and the Art of Skateboarding:

Episode 6: the ICE AGE!!!!

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In this slightly more freeform episode, Tony, Matt, and Bob discuss various freestylers (see videos below), Bob confesses that he recently felt the anger while trying to practice, Matt’s cell phone causes interference, we hear about Tyler Self’s visit to Texas and his skate session with Bob, and skateboarding in Cuba.

Videos referenced in this podcast:

Matthew Smithies http://youtu.be/D3rQwE2ETl8

Alex Rademaker http://youtu.be/bMxcfAyrRbM

Darryl Grogan’s video of World Roundup Highlights http://youtu.be/vb2xI92nc8w

Suzuki’s video of the Ams… http://youtu.be/puZ5ZvOyXt8

Tyler Self’s latest video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcCuHodoapk&feature=colike

Episode 5: Son of the Freestyler

sonofGIn this very special episode of the Freestyle Contest we are joined by kickass guest, Darryl Grogan, long time awesome skater and winner of the Pro division at the recent Freestyle World Roundup contest in Vancouver, Canada!

In the podcast, Tony mentions Darryl’s part in the Casper video. Well, here it is!

Huge thanks to Darryl for being our first guest.